Guitar: Hermann Hauser I, Germany (1940)
Date acquired: Loaned to Julian Bream in 1990?

  • Loaned to Bream in 1990. Owned by Rose Augustine/Augustine Estate.
  • This guitar has a resonance of low E/E flat.
  • Guitar used for the recording of the album To the Edge of Dream: Rodrigo, Takemitsu, Arnold recorded in October 1990, June 1991 and February 1992.
  • Guitar used for the recording of the album Nocturnal: Britten, Lutoslawski, Martin, Takemitsu and Brouwer recorded in September and October 1992.
  • Guitar used for the recording of the album J.S. Bach recorded in October and November 1992.
  • Guitar used for the recording of the album Sonata: Paganini, Castelnuovo-Tedesco, José recorded in November 1993.
  • Guitar used at the final Wigmore Hall recital on the 26th of November, 2001.
  • Guitar used in the 2006 recording of Fernando Sor's "Study in B minor" at Broad Oak for the DVD Julian Bream: My Life in Music.
  • Guitar used in the 2006 recording of Benjamin Brittens' "Nocturnal" at Snape Maltings, Aldeburgh for the DVD Julian Bream: My Life in Music.
  • This Guitar was loaned to Julian Bream by the Augustine Estate, to be returned upon Julian Bream's official retirement.
  • The guitar remained with Jullian Bream many years into his retirement. It was returned to the Augustine Foundation in 2008.
  • Currently being displayed at the Metropolitan Museum in New York.
  • In 2015, the Met Museum organized a Historic Guitar Concert Video series. Jorge Caballero performed on this guitar for the series. Link to the Met video series.


  • "Many years ago Rose assigned the instrument to me on the basis of an ongoing loan. I found it hard to repay her for that wonderful gesture, which made me ever more determined to make it sound as eloquent and beautiful as I could" Julian Bream.


Courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Herman Hauser I (1940)

The Augustine Foundation

Courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art